Notes (Vol.
25, #3)
is Professor of English at the University of Washington. His most recent
books are The Jewish Wars: Reflections by One of the Belligerents
(Southern Illinois University Press, 1996); Irving Howe: Socialist,
Critic, Jew (Indiana University Press, 1998); and Classical Liberalism
and the Jewish Tradition (Transaction, 2002).
VICTORIA CHANG’s first book of poetry, Circle, won the
Crab Orchard Review Award Series in Poetry and will be published by Southern
Illinois University Press in April 2005. Her poems have appeared in or
are forthcoming in journals such as The Nation, Poetry, The Threepenny
Review, The Kenyon Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, Slate, Michigan
Quarterly Review, and The North American Review. She is
the editor of Asian American Poetry: The Next Generation (University
of Illinois Press), and has received a Bread Loaf Scholarship, a Taylor
Fellowship from the Kenyon Writer’s Workshop, and a Hopwood Award.
She resides in Los Angeles.
STEPHEN DUNN is the author of thirteen collections of poetry, including
The Insistence of Beauty (Norton, 2004). His Different Hours
was awarded the 2001 Pulitzer Prize.
GEORGE ELIOT (pen name of Mary Ann Evans, 1819–80) was a distinguished
translator and speculative thinker, as well as a major Victorian novelist
whose works include Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on the Floss
(1860), and Silas Marner (1861). Her novel Middlemarch
(1871–2) is considered not only Eliot’s greatest work but
one of the greatest nineteenth-century British novels.
CATHRYN ESSINGER’s first book, A Desk in the Elephant House,
won the Walt McDonald First Book Award from Texas Tech. Her second
book, My Dog Does Not Read Plato, will be published by Main Street
Rag later this year. Her new work has appeared in Poetry, Mid-American
Review, Quarterly West, The Cream City Review, The Southern Review, Poetry
Daily, and in Poetry magazine’s ninetieth anniversary
anthology. She lives in Troy, Ohio, with her husband, two sons, and a
dog who is quite remarkable but still does not read Plato.
CAROL FROST’s latest poetry collection from Northwestern University
Press, I Will Say Beauty, was published in 2003. New prose appears
in Wild and Whirling Words: A Poetic Conversation (Etruscan Press,
2004), edited by H. L. Hix. She is Professor of English and writer-in-residence
at Hartwick College.
CHARLES GREEN’s work has appeared on The Missouri Review
website and in Center: A Journal of the Literary Arts and Cairn.
A native Arkansan, he has an M.A. in English from the University of Missouri
and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in English from the University of Cincinnati.
RUTH HAMEL is the author of My Favorite Lies (2001), a short-story
collection published by the University of Missouri Press. Her stories
have appeared in many magazines, including The Kenyon Review, The
North American Review, Prairie Schooner, and The Missouri Review.
She’s currently working on a novel.
ROB HARDY has been a classics professor, substitute teacher, translator,
Latin tutor, and freelance writer for Minnesota Public Radio. His writing
has appeared recently in River City, The Lion and the Unicorn, Interdisciplinary
Studies in Literature and the Environment, and Brain, Child:
The Magazine for Thinking Mothers.
JOHN HASKELL is the author of a short-story collection, I Am Not Jackson
Pollock (Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 2003). His work has appeared
in Granta, The Paris Review, Conjunctions, and Ploughshares,
and he is a contributor to the radio show The Next Big Thing.
He lives in Brooklyn.
VICKI HEARNE had published three volumes of poetry—Nervous Horses
(1980), In the Absence of Horses (1983), and The Parts of
Light (1994)—and was putting together a volume of new and selected
poems at the time of her death in 2001 at the age of fifty-five. The poems
published here are among a group of previously unpublished poems that
will appear in that volume. Among her prose works are Adam’s
Task (1986), Animal Happiness (1983), Bandit: Dossier
of a Dangerous Dog (1991), and a novel, The White German Shepherd
JOHN KINSELLA is the author of more than thirty books of poetry and prose.
His new volume is Peripheral Light: New and Selected Poems (Norton,
2003), selected and introduced by Harold Bloom. A volume of essays and
a book of short stories (with Tracy Ryan) is forthcoming, and Norton and
Fremantle Arts Centre Press (UK) will publish a new collection of poetry,
The New Arcadia, in June 2005. Kinsella is the editor of the international
literary journal Salt and International Editor of the The
Kenyon Review. He is Professor of English at Kenyon College and poetry
critic for the Observer (UK).
JOHN LUNDBERG’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Poetry,
Virginia Quarterly Review, and The Threepenny Review. He
just finished a Stegner Fellowship at Stanford University.
JAY SCOTT MORGAN’s essay “The Mystery of Goya’s Saturn”
was printed in the summer 2001 issue of New England Review. His
fiction has been published in various small press journals.
DAVID PHILLIP MULLINS grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada, and is a student at
the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. He was born in Buffalo, New York, and
lives in Iowa City with his wife. He has a story forthcoming in Cimarron
Review, and this is his second appearance in New England Review.
“Driving Lessons,” which won third prize in Playboy’s
twentieth annual College Fiction Contest (as “Vintage Vegas”),
is part of a novel-in-stories about the character Nick Danze.
KIRK NESSET is the author of a book of short stories, Mr. Agreeable,
forthcoming from Mammoth Press, and of a nonfiction study, The
Stories of Raymond Carver (Ohio University Press, 1995). His stories
and poems have appeared in The Pushcart Prize anthology,
The Paris Review, Ploughshares, Raritan, Boston Review, The Gettysburg
Review, The Iowa Review, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere. He teaches
creative writing and literature at Allegheny College.
PAUL OTREMBA is currently in the M.F.A. program at the University of Maryland.
His poetry has appeared in Gulf Coast.
CARLA PANCIERA has published fiction, memoir, and poetry in several journals
including Sycamore Review, Nimrod, The Chattahoochee Review, Under
the Sun, Kalliope, and Yankee Magazine. Her poetry was nominated
for a 2004 Pushcart Prize. A graduate of Boston University’s Creative
Writing Masters Program, she has recently completed a memoir entitled
Barn Flower.
BARBARA PIERCE lives and writes in Fauquier County, Virginia. Her fiction
has appeared in Antietam Review, So to Speak, Phoebe, and Center:
A Journal for the Literary Arts. Before beginning to devote all her
spare time to the “nut-brown word,” she led other lives as
an amateur tango dancer, rural mail carrier, and competitor in the sport
of endurance riding. She has just finished a novel, Camp Followers.
ARTHUR RIMBAUD (1854–91) was a French poet whose major writings
were completed before he reached the age of twenty. His works include
Les Illuminations (1886), Le Bâteau ivre (The
Drunken Boat, 1871), and Une Saison en enfer (A Season
in Hell).
KATRINA ROBERTS’s first book, How Late Desire Looks, won
the Peregrine Smith Poetry Prize; her second book, The Quick,
was selected by Linda Bierds for the Pacific Northwest Poetry Series,
to be published by the University of Washington Press in April 2005. Her
work has appeared in Best American Poetry, The Pushcart Prize
anthology, The Bread Loaf Anthology of New American Poets, and
elsewhere, and is forthcoming in places such as Never Before: Poems
About First Experiences (Four Way Books) and Shorts (Norton).
A graduate of Harvard University and the Iowa Writers’ Workshop,
she lives in Walla Walla, Washington, and teaches at Whitman College.
ROBERT S. SCHINE is the author of Jewish Thought Adrift: Max Weiner,
1882–1950 (Brown Judaic Studies, 1992). He is also Professor
of Jewish Studies and former Dean of the Faculty at Middlebury College.
BRENDA SIECZKOWSKI received her M.F.A. from the University of Florida
in 2001. She is currently attending the University of Utah’s creative
writing Ph.D. program on a Vice Presidential Fellowship.
ELLEN BRYANT VOIGT has published six books of poetry—Claiming
Kin, The Forces of Plenty, The Lotus Flowers, Two Trees, Kyrie (a
National Book Critics’ Circle Award finalist), and Shadow of
Heaven (a National Book Award finalist)—as well as The
Flexible Lyric, a collection of essays. A Chancellor of the Academy
of American Poets, she teaches in the Warren Wilson College low-residency
M.F.A. Program.
MYLES WEBER is assistant professor of English at Ashland University in
Ohio. His collection of drama criticism, Middlebrow Annoyances—sections
of which originally appeared in New England Review—is published
by Gival Press. A second book, Consuming Silences: How We Read Nonpublication,
is forthcoming from the University of Georgia Press. |