Notes, Vol. 27, #2
SAMUEL AMADON’s poems have appeared or will appear in such journals
as American Letters & Commentary, The American Poetry Review,
Canary, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, LIT, and Verse.
He is the author of Advice for Young Couples, a chapbook from
h_ngm_n b__ks. He lives in New York.
QUAN BARRY’s second book, Controvertibles, was published
by the University of Pittsburgh Press in 2004.
NICHOLAS BENSON has published poetry and translations in Seneca Review,
Pequod, and other journals. Winter Journey, his translation
of a volume of poems by Attilio Bertolucci, has just been published by
Free Verse Editions of Parlor Press. A selection of these translations
first appeared in NER Volume 23, #2 (2002).
SHANNON CAIN is the recipient of a 2006 Creative Writing Fellowship from
the National Endowment for the Arts. Her fiction has been nominated for
a Pushcart Prize and has appeared in such magazines as The Massachusetts
Review, The Florida Review, and American Literary Review,
as well as online at Zoetrope: All-Story Extra. She earned an
M.F.A. from the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College and has taught
fiction writing at the University of Arizona. Currently the Executive
Director of Kore Press, an independent nonprofit publisher of literature
by women, she lives in a little brick house in Tucson, Arizona, with her
partner, Karin, and their daughter, Brennan.
KIM DRAIN has recently published work in The Gettysburg Review, Agni,
and Crazyhorse. She teaches at Suffolk University and is completing
a book about family photographs and memory. She received her m.f.a. from
Bennington in 2004 and lives in Brookline, Massachusetts, with her husband,
daughter, and three dogs.
GEORGE JOSEPH FARRAH is a painter, poet, and musician. He received an
M.F.A. from Bard College. His paintings have been shown nationally, and
he is currently represented by Flanders Contemporary in Minneapolis. More
of his work may be seen online at
BRIAN FOX is a Ph.D. student in history at the Graduate Center of the
City University of New York.
DEBORA GREGER’s most recent book of poems is Western Art,
published by Penguin (2004).
PAUL GRIFFITHS has served as chief music critic of The Times of London
(1981–92) and The New Yorker (1992–6), and has written
regularly for The New York Times (1996–2003). He has also
been invited to give lectures and courses on libretto writing and various
other musical topics at institutions ranging from the Munich Biennale
to Harvard University.
JENNIFER GROTZ is the author of Cusp (Houghton Mifflin, 2003).
Recent poems, reviews, and translations have appeared or are forthcoming
in Agni Online, American Literary Review, Boston Review, The Cincinnati
Review, Image, and The Washington Post. She teaches poetry
at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, and at Warren Wilson
College, and also serves as the assistant director of the Bread Loaf Writers’
JAMES HOCH has worked as a dishwasher, cook, dockworker, social worker,
and shepherd. His poems have appeared in Slate, The Kenyon Review,
The Gettysburg Review, Ninth Letter, Virginia Quarterly Review, and
many other journals. His book, A Parade of Hands, won the Gerald
Cable Award and was published in 2003 by Silverfish Review Press. Originally
from Collingswood, New Jersey, he now resides in Charlottesville, Virginia,
with his wife and son. He teaches at Lynchburg College.
CHRIS INGRAHAM holds degrees from Amherst College and the University of
Chicago. He has lived in Tucson, Amherst, Madrid, Washington, Berkeley,
Chicago, and New York, where he wrote this story. It is his first published
work of fiction.
BEVERLY JENSEN grew up in Westbrook, Maine, earned an m.f.a. in acting
at Southern Methodist University, and acted in regional theater before
turning to writing. Between 1986 and 2003 she wrote but did not seek to
publish a series of interrelated stories. She lived in New York with her
husband, Jay Silverman, and children, Noah and Hannah. Beverly Jensen
died of cancer in 2003. “Wake” is her first published story.
HANS JONAS (1903–93) was educated in Berlin and Marburg, where he
wrote a study of Gnostic religion under the supervision of Martin Heidegger
and Rudolf Bultmann. He emigrated to Palestine in 1934. During World War
II, he enlisted in the British Army’s Jewish Brigade and participated
in the liberation of Germany. In 1948, he arrived in North America, where
he taught philosophy at McGill University and the New School for Social
Research. Among his best known books are The Phenomenon of Life
(1966) and The Imperative of Responsibility (1984).
PETER LASALLE is the author of a novel, Strange Sunlight (Texas
Monthly Press, 1984), and two story collections, The Graves of Famous
Writers (University of Missouri Press, 1980) and Hockey Sur Glace
(Breakaway Books, 1998). He has contributed stories to many magazines
and anthologies, including The Paris Review, Tin House, Agni, Boulevard,
Witness, Best American Short Stories, and Prize Stories: The
O. Henry Awards. He has taught at universities in this country and
in France, and in 2005 he received the Award for Distinguished Prose from
the Antioch Review.
SYDNEY LEA has published eight collections of poems, the most recent of
which is Ghost Pain (Sarabande, 2005). His book-length naturalist
essay, A Little Wildness: Some Notes on Rambling, appeared last
spring from Story Line Press.
JONATHAN LEVY is the author of many plays for adults and children as well
as several works of scholarship and criticism. He is Distinguished Teaching
Professor at the State University of New York at Stony Brook and has contributed
frequently to NER.
JAMES LONGENBACH’s third book of poems, Draft of a Letter,
will be published by the University of Chicago Press next year. He is
the Joseph H. Gilmore Professor of English at the University of Rochester.
ROBERT MALCOLM (1781–1850?) is most likely the author of Curiosities
of Biography, or Memoirs of Remarkable Men, selections of which appear
in this issue of NER. He is presumably also responsible for a
memoir of Oliver Goldsmith, which serves as an introduction to a selection
of Goldsmith’s works printed in Glasgow in 1816.
AMIT MAJMUDAR is a twenty-six-year-old diagnostic radiology resident in
Cleveland, Ohio, where he lives with his wife.
SARAH MURPHY is a Teaching Fellow in the English Department at Indiana
University. In December 2005, she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation.
Her poems have appeared recently in American Letters & Commentary
and are forthcoming in Pleiades.
ALDO PALAZZESCHI (1885–1974) is famous for his experimental novel
Il codice di Perelà (Perelà’s Code,
translated as The Man of Smoke) and for the confrontational avant-garde
poetry of L’Incendiario (The Arsonist, 1910).
A hero of the Futurists for several years, Palazzeschi was nonetheless
a pacifist and broke with Futurist founder F. T. Marinetti over that author’s
pro-violence interventionist campaign in 1914.
PETER PLAGENS is a painter and critic who lives in New York. A contributor
to many magazines, he also served for a long time as the regular art critic
for Newsweek. His books include Sunshine Muse: Art on the
West Coast, 1945–1970 and Time for Robo, a novel.
A retrospective exhibition of his paintings, “Peter Plagens: An
Introspective,” appeared at three U.S. museums in 2004–5.
FLOYD SKLOOT’s fifth collection of poems, The End of Dreams,
was published by Louisiana State University Press in April of this
year. His previous collection, Approximately Paradise (Tupelo
Press, 2005), won a Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association Book Award.
His poems appear in recent issues of The Sewanee Review, Salmagundi,
Prairie Schooner, Image, and Poetry Ireland Review.
HILARY JERRILL STEINITZ’s fiction has appeared in the Southwest
Review and Zoetrope: All-Story. She lives in Charlottesville,
Virginia, where she is completing a novel.
FRANCIS-NOEL THOMAS shared a Prix du Rayonnement de la langue et de la
littérature françaises from the French Academy for the book
on prose style that he wrote with Mark Turner: Clear and Simple as
the Truth: Writing Classic Prose (Princeton University Press, 1994).
The two authors continue to maintain a website on prose style at www.classicprose.com.
Thomas has published on translation in the journal EMF: Studies in
Early Modern France, and wrote the article on Barbara Pym for the
Dutch reference work Post-war Literatures in English. He is currently
at work on a novel.
NATASHA TRETHEWEY, author of Native Guard (Houghton Mifflin,
2006), Bellocq’s Ophelia (Graywolf, 2002), and Domestic
Work (Graywolf, 2000), is the recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim
Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Bunting Fellowship
Program at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, and the Rockefeller
Foundation. She is Associate Professor of English at Emory University.
JOSH WEIL is a graduate of the creative writing program at Columbia University.
He has published his fiction in Harpur Palate, New Letters, West Branch,
and Carve Magazine, and his nonfiction in Orion and
The New York Times. The work that appears in this issue of NER
is an excerpt from River Horse, a novel he recently completed.
RICHARD WOLIN is Distinguished Professor of History and Comparative Literature
at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. He is the author
of Heidegger’s Children: Hannah Arendt, Karl Löwith, Hans
Jonas, and Herbert Marcuse (Princeton University Press, 2001) and
The Frankfurt School Revisited (Routledge, 2006).