![]() Contributors' Notes, Volume 22, #3 _______
EMILY S. BINGHAM is an independent scholar living in Louisville, Kentucky. JOHN CANADAY recently won the Walt Whitman Award from the Academy of American Poets for his first collection of poems, The Invisible World, which will be published in the spring of 2002. He has been a Massachusetts Cultural Council Fellow in Playwriting, a Starbuck Fellow in Poetry at Boston University, a Watson Fellow in England, and a tutor to the Royal Family in Jordan. His critical study, The Nuclear Muse: Literature, Physics, and the First Atomic Bombs, was published by the University of Wisconsin Press in 2000. DAVID CASTRONOVO is the author of books of literary criticism and cultural history, including Edmund Wilson (New York Times Notable Book, 1985); Thornton Wilder (1986); The English Gentleman (1987); The American Gentleman (1991); Richard Yates (1996), co-authored with Steven Goldleaf; and Edmund Wilson Revisited (1998). His essays and reviews have appeared in America, Commonweal, The Forward, and other publications. "Holden Caulfield's Legacy," part of a work-in-progress on the literature of the 1950s, appeared in the Spring 2001 issue of NER. Mr. Castronovo is currently Professor of English at Pace University in New York City. RICHARD FOERSTER is the Amy Lowell Poetry Travelling Scholar for 2000/2001, and his fourth collection of poems, Double Going, will be published by BOA Editions in January 2002. JEFFREY FRANKLIN is co-recipient of the 2001 Robert H. Winner Memorial Award from the Poetry Society of America. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in such journals as The Hudson Review, Many Mountains Moving, Painted Bride Quarterly, Plainsongs, Shenandoah, Southern Poetry Review, Tar River Poetry, and Third Coast. He serves as the poetry editor for North Carolina Literary Review and teaches Victorian literature and writing at the University of Colorado at Denver, where he lives with his wife, Judy Lucas, and their two children. MICHELLE GOULD is a recent graduate of the University of Florida's M.F.A. program. Her work will next appear in The Southwest Review. (read Exile) JANET GROTH is Professor Emeritus at Plattsburgh State University of New York. She is the author of Edmund Wilson: A Critic for Our Time (winner of the NEMLA 1988 Book Award and Choice Outstanding Academic Book, 1989&endash;1990). She has edited From The Uncollected Edmund Wilson with David Castronovo and provided an introduction to the reissue of Wilson's The Wound and the Bow (Ohio University Press, 1996). Her writing has also appeared in Commonweal and The American Scholar. DEBORA GREGER's new book of poems, God, has just been published by Penguin. The long poem that opens that book, entitled "God in Florida," first appeared in the Winter 1998 issue of NER. LINDA GREGERSON's most recent book is Negative Capability: Essays on Contemporary American Poetry, published by the University of Michigan Press as part of their Poets on Poetry Series. MICHAEL GRIFFITH's first novel, Spikes, will be published by Arcade in February. His stories and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in The Oxford American, The Southwest Review, The Virginia Quarterly Review, The Southern Review, Salmagundi, Witness, Chelsea, Pleiades, and other journals. Since 1992 he has been an editor at The Southern Review. DAVID KEELING, a recent graduate of Middlebury College, lives and works in New York City. His poetry has also appeared in The Ohio Review. JAMES MCCORKLE, a previous contributor to NER and a recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Ingram Merrill Foundation, lives in upstate New York and has poems forthcoming in Ploughshares and Colorado Review. PHILIP METRES is a poet and translator of Russian poetry. His work has appeared in numerous journals and in the anthology In the Grip of Strange Thoughts: Russian Poetry in a New Era (Zephyr, 1999). The recipient of an NEA fellowship for poetry translation, he has recently completed Ph.D. and M.F.A. degrees at Indiana University and is now teaching at John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio. JEFF MOCK is the author of a chapbook, Evening Travelers (Volans Press), and a guidebook for beginning writers, You Can Write Poetry (Writer's Digest Books). His poems have appeared in Crazyhorse, The Georgia Review, The Iowa Review, The Laurel Review, Poetry Northwest, Quarterly West, The Sewanee Review, and elsewhere. He teaches at Southern Connecticut State University. JAY SCOTT MORGAN studied writing in the graduate departments of San Francisco State University and Albany State. His fiction has been published in Woodstock Originals, Volumes 3 and 4, and other small press journals. (read The Mystery of Goya's Saturn) GLEN POURCIAU's stories have been published in New England Review, Mississippi Review, Ontario Review, Quarterly West, and other magazines. His story titled "Deep Wilderness," published in the Winter 2000 issue of NER, won the Brazos Bookstore Short Story Award, which is presented annually by the Texas Institute of Letters. (read Sleep) PADGETT POWELL's latest novel is Mrs. Hollingsworth's Men. LAURA A. ROESLER earned her B.A. from the University of Arizona in 2000. She is currently working on her M.F.A. at the University of Florida. This is her first publication. MICHAEL RUSSELL's short stories have appeared in New England Review, Notre Dame Review, Third Coast, Tatlin's Tower, and Salt Hill. He has recently completed a novel and a collection of short stories and is currently at work on another novel. His story "Smoke on the Water," which originally appeared in the Spring 2000 issue of NER, was recently optioned by Kingdom Country Productions and will be made into a film. He makes his home in the Boston area. TIMOTHY S. SEDORE is Professor of English at The City University of New York, Bronx Community College. He has completed a book manuscript, "Blood Knowledge of Emancipation": Protest, Tradition, and Icons in Mexican-American Literature. His research of the rhetoric of Civil War memorials is being collected in "We Trace No Semblance of Dishonor": The Rhetoric of Epitaphs and Elegies of the Confederacy and Post-Civil War America. LADISLAV SMOCEK is a native of Plzeò, the Czech Republic. A founder of the Drama Club Theater (Èinoherní Klub) in Prague in 1965&emdash;and associated with it ever since&emdash;he has been a leading Czech playwright and director for decades. Starting in the 1960s, audiences around the world, in London, Curych, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Finland, and Scandinavia, as well as in the Phillipines and the United States, have become acquainted with his work as a director and with his plays, including Piknik (1965), Dr. Burke's Strange Afternoon (1966), The Maze (1966), and Cosmic Spring (1970). VIRGINIA SOLOTAROFF lives in East Quogue, New York and Paris. This is her first published story. KATHERINE SONIAT's fourth collection, Alluvial, was recently published by Bucknell University Press. A Shared Life won the Iowa Poetry Prize and a Virginia Prize for Poetry. Her poems have appeared in such journals as Amicus, The Kenyon Review, River Styx, The Virginia Quarterly Review, The Gettysburg Review, and TriQuarterly. She is on the faculty at Virginia Tech. ILAN STAVANS is the author of The Hispanic Condition, The Riddle of Cantinflas, and The One-Handed Pianist and Other Stories, as well as the editor of The Oxford Book of Jewish Stories and a dictionary of Spanglish. He has been a National Book Critics Circle Award nominee and the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship and the Latino Literature Prize, among other honors. He teaches at Amherst College. GINGER STRAND is a writer and teacher who lives in New York City. Her nonfiction has appeared in Theatre Journal, American Literary History, theVillage Voice, and other publications, and her fiction has been published or will soon appear in Descant, Mississippi Review, and The Gettysburg Review. She is currently working on a short story collection. VIRGIL SUÁREZ was born in Havana, Cuba in 1962 and has lived in the United States since 1974. He is the author of over twenty books of prose and poetry; most recently he has published Palm Crows (University of Arizona Press) and Banyan (LSU Press). He divides his time between Miami and Tallahassee, where he lives with his family and is at work on his new novel, Sonny Manteca's Blues, and a new collection of poems, E(x)it Jesus. ALLEN TATE (1899&endash;1979), poet, teacher, and essayist, founded the poetry magazine The Fugitive (1922&endash;25) at Vanderbilt University, where he was one of a group of young poets known as "The Fugitives." In their prose writings as well as in their poetry, these authors (who also included John Crowe Ransom, Donald Davidson, and Robert Penn Warren) reflected on the experience of Southern history and culture, and were generally drawn to the traditions of the Agrarian South. Editor of The Sewanee Review from 1944&endash;46, Tate published a range of books, including his Selected Poems (1977), Essays of Four Decades (1969), and the novel The Fathers (1938). THOMAS A. UNDERWOOD, Preceptor in Expository Writing at Harvard University, has taught Southern history and literature at Harvard, Columbia, and Yale universities. He is also the author of Allen Tate: Orphan of the South (2000) and coeditor of Blacks at Harvard (1993). In 1997, he was awarded the Arthur G. B. Metcalf Cup and Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Boston University's highest teaching honor. KAREN VOLKMAN's books of poetry are Crash's Law (Norton, 1996) and Spar, forthcoming from the University of Iowa Press next spring. Her recent work appears in Ploughshares, Lit, Chelsea, and American Letters & Commentary. She will be Springer Poet-in-Residence at the University of Chicago in 2001&endash;2002. MONICA YOUN practices intellectual property law in New York. A former Stegner Fellow, she has published poems in AGNI, American Letters & Commentary, Fence, LIT, Poetry Review, and many other journals. (read 25th & Dolores) NANCY ZAFRIS's stories have appeared in several literary magazines. Her first collection of short stories, The People I Know, won the Flannery O'Connor award for short fiction.