![]() Contributors' Notes, Volume 24, #1 _______
STEVE AMICK lives in Ann Arbor, Michigan. His short stories have appeared in Playboy, The Southern Review, McSweeney's, New England Review, the anthology The Sound of Writing (Doubleday, 1991), and on National Public Radio. (read Animal Lover)
DANIEL ANDERSON's poems have been published in The New Republic, The Southern Review, Poetry, The Best American Poetry, The Kenyon Review, New England Review, The Hudson Review, River Styx, Raritan, and Southwest Review, among other places. They have also been featured on National Public Radio's "The Writer's Almanac." January Rain, his first collection of poems, was published by Story Line Press in 1997; his second book, Drunk in Sunlight, is forthcoming from Overlook Press in 2004. He is currently the Kenan Visiting Writer at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.
MARY CORNISH completed her Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing/poetry at Sarah Lawrence College. She is currently a Stegner Fellow in poetry at Stanford University. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Poetry, New England Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Rattapallax, and Poetry Northwest. Next spring, her work will appear in Poetry 180: A Turning Back to Poetry, an anthology of poems selected by Poet Laureate Billy Collins.
MAUD ELLMANN is Reader in Modern Literature in the Faculty of English, University of Cambridge and Fellow of King's College, Cambridge. Her books include The Poetics of Impersonality: T. S. Eliot and Ezra Pound (Harvester Press and Harvard University Press, 1987), The Hunger Artists: Starving, Writing, and Imprisonment (Virago and Harvard University Press, 1993), and Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism (Longman, 1994). She has also published widely on modern literature and literary theory, feminism, and deconstruction.
JONATHAN FINK teaches creative writing and literature at Emerson College. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Poetry, TriQuarterly, and New England Review.
CAROL FROST's latest poetry collection from Northwestern University Press, I Will Say Beauty, is scheduled to appear in February 2003. She teaches at Hartwick College, where she directs the Catskill Poetry Workshop.
JOSH GOLDFADEN is completing an M.F.A. at New York University, where he teaches creative writing and expository writing. He lives in Brooklyn.
MICHALLE GOULD's writing has appeared or is forthcoming in DoubleTake, Slate, Pleiades, and other journals. She currently lives in Austin, Texas.
SAMUEL HYNES is Woodrow Wilson Professor of Literature Emeritus at Princeton University and the author of numerous works of literary criticism, including The Auden Generation, Edwardian Occasions, and The Edwardian Turn of Mind. Hynes's wartime experiences as a Marine Corps pilot were the basis for his memoir Flights of Passage. His book about soldiers' narratives of the two world wars and Vietnam, The Soldier's Tale, won a Robert F. Kennedy Award. A fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, Hynes lives in Princeton, New Jersey.
JESSE LEE KERCHEVAL's second poetry book, Dog Angel, is forthcoming from the University of Pittsburgh Press. The University of Wisconsin Press has just reissued her novel The Museum of Happiness and her writing text Building Fiction. She teaches creative writing at the University of Wisconsin, where she directs the Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing.
JOANN KOBIN's work has appeared in New England Review, Ploughshares, The Massachusetts Review, The Boston Globe Magazine, The Virginia Quarterly Review, The North American Review, and many other journals and anthologies. She has been a resident at the MacDowell Colony, and has taught fiction writing at Mount Holyoke and Hampshire colleges. Her novel in stories, Woman Made of Sand, was published in 2002 by Delphinium Books.
PETER LASALLE is the author of a novel, Strange Sunlight, and two story collections, The Graves of Famous Writers and Hockey Sur Glace; his work has appeared in Best American Short Stories and Prize Stories: The O. Henry Awards. He has taught as a visiting professor at Université Paul Valéry in Montpellier, France and at Université de Paris-Nanterre, and is currently Susan Taylor McDaniel Regents Professor in Creative Writing at the University of Texas at Austin.
STEVEN G. MARKS is Associate Professor of History at Clemson University and the author of Road to Power: The Trans-Siberian Railroad and the Colonization of Asian Russia.
LUCIA NEVAI's stories have been published in The New Yorker, Zoetrope, Iowa Review, and other publications. She is the author of two story collections and winner of the Iowa Award for Literature for 2001. She lives in upstate New York, where she writes screenplays.
ALAN PINCH, a retired teacher of Russian, lives in Manchester, England. He did this new translation of "After the Ball" as a personal gift to his old friend, the English educational writer Michael Armstrong, the only begetter of his volume of Tolstoy translations Tolstoy on Education (Athlone Press, 1982). Alan Pinch occasionally contributes articles and translations to the Welsh-language poetry magazine Barddas, and works as an interpreter and befriender with refugees in Manchester.
RALPH JAMES SAVARESE teaches American Literature and creative writing at Grinnell College in Iowa. He is at work on a nonfiction project entitled More: A Memoir of Adoption, Autism and the End of the Welfare State, of which "Severe and Profound" is a chapter.
MAURYA SIMON is the author of five volumes of poetry, including The Golden Labyrinth (University of Missouri Press, 1995) and the recent limited-edition letterpress book A Brief History of Punctuation (2002). She was a recipient of a 1999&endash;2000 Fellowship in Poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts, and also served as a Visiting Artist in June 2002 at the American Academy in Rome. Simon teaches creative writing at the University of California, Riverside and lives in the Angeles National Forest in Southern California.
REBECCA SOLNIT, author of six previous works of nonfiction, including Wanderlust, Secret Exhibition, Savage Dreams, and Hollow City, contributes essays about visual art, public space, landscape, and environmental issues to national magazines and museum exhibition catalogs. She has been the recipient of NEA and Guggenheim fellowships, and her book As Eve Said to the Serpent (2001) was nominated for the National Book Critics Circle Award in Criticism. She lives in San Francisco.
BARRY STERNLIEB's work has appeared in Poetry, The Gettysburg Review, Prairie Schooner, Wilderness, Quarterly West, and other journals. Thoreau's Hat (Brooding Heron Press, 1994) is his latest book. He also edits Mad River Press, specializing in handmade letterpress poetry prints and chapbooks since 1986.
VIRGIL SUÁREZ was born in Havana, Cuba in 1962 and has lived in the United States since 1974. He is the author of over twenty books of prose and poetry; most recently he has published Palm Crows (University of Arizona Press, 2001) and Banyan (LSU Press, 2001). He divides his time between Miami and Tallahassee, where he lives with his family and is at work on his new novel, Sonny Manteca's Blues, and a new collection of poems, E(x)it Jesus.
JEFF TIETZ lives in Texas. He has published work in Harper's and The Atlantic Monthly.
MOLLY TENENBAUM is the author of Blue Willow (Floating Bridge Press, 1998) and By a Thread (Van West & Company, 2000). Her CD of old-time banjo music is Instead of a Pony (Cat Hair Music, 2002). She plays with the Queen City Bulldogs string band, gives music lessons, and lives in Seattle, where she teaches at North Seattle Community College.
REETIKA VAZIRANI is the author of World Hotel (Copper Canyon, 2002) and White Elephants (Beacon, 1996). Poems from a new manuscript appear in Ploughshares, The New Republic, and The Southern Review. She is on the editorial board of Catamaran, a journal featuring artists from South Asia, and is also a contributing editor of Callaloo. She will join the creative writing program in the English department at Emory University in the fall of 2003.
CHRISTIAN WIMAN is the author of The Long Home (Story Line Press, 1998). He has recent work in The Atlantic Monthly, Harper's, Slate, and elsewhere. His second book of poems, Hard Night, is forthcoming from Copper Canyon Press in 2005. He lives in Chicago.
MARK WUNDERLICH's newest book of poems, Voluntary Servitude, is forthcoming from Graywolf Press. He is the 2003 recipient of the Amy Lowell Traveling Fellowship and a 2002 Poetry Fellowship from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. He has new poems published or forthcoming in The Paris Review, Yale Review, Fence, Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. He lives in Provincetown Massachusetts and teaches in the graduate writing program at Sarah Lawrence College.