Notes, Vol. 27, #3
in New York City, where she received an M.F.A. from Brooklyn College.
Her fiction has appeared in Antioch Review, Sonora Review, Brooklyn
Review, and Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art.
BORIS AKUNIN is the pen name of Grigory Chkhartishvili, who was born in
the republic of Georgia in 1956. A philologist, critic, essayist, and
translator of Japanese, he is also a popular writer of detective stories.
His most widely read series, which includes The Winter Queen, The
Turkish Gambit, and The Death of Achilles, all published
by Random House, features the detective Erast Fandorin and is set in nineteenth-century
Russia. He has written ten Fandorin novels to date, which have sold more
than eight million copies in Russia and been translated into nearly two
dozen languages. He lives in Moscow.
MALCOLM ALEXANDER’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in
Black Warrior Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, North American Review, The
Southern Review, Puerto del Sol, Cream City Review, and elsewhere.
DAVID BAKER’s most recent book of poems is Midwest Eclogue
(Norton, 2005). In 2007 Graywolf Press will publish Radiant Lyre:
Essays on Lyric Poetry, which he has co-edited with Ann Townsend.
MARSHALL BOSWELL is the author of the novel Alternative Atlanta
(Delacorte Press, 2005) and the story collection Trouble with Girls
(Algonquin Books, 2003). His stories have appeared in Shenandoah,
Playboy, The Missouri Review, Sun, New Stories from the South: The Year’s
Best, 2001, and elsewhere. Currently the T. K. Young Professor of
English Literature at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, he is also
the author of two works of literary scholarship, John Updike’s
Rabbit Tetralogy: Mastered Irony in Motion (University of Missouri
Press, 2001), and Understanding David Foster Wallace (University
of South Carolina Press, 2004).
ERIC BREITBART is a filmmaker and freelance writer living in New York
XOCHIQUETZAL CANDELARIA is a professor of English at Gavilan College and
holds degrees from UC Berkeley and New York University. Her work has appeared
in The Nation, The Seattle Review, Gulf Coast, Indiana Review, The
Massachusetts Review, and other magazines. She currently lives
in San Francisco.
RICK CANNING was born and raised in Oklahoma City; he went to school there
and in Missouri and Illinois. Over the years he has moved around—Abilene,
Austin, Urbana, Savannah—and has worked as a teacher, a furniture
mover, a teacher, a piano mover, and, just to make sure, a teacher again.
He was living in Boston when he decided to chuck all that and take up
the writing game. He now lives in Hanover, New Hampshire, with his wife
and three children. This is his first published story.
JONATHAN FINK’s poems have appeared in Poetry, New England Review,
TriQuarterly, The Southern Review, Slate, Virginia Quarterly Review, and
Southwest Review, among other publications. From 2003–06,
he was the Creative Writing Fellow in Poetry and a Visiting Assistant
Professor of Poetry at Emory University. In the fall, he will begin teaching
as an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at the University of West
Florida in Pensacola.
B. H. FRIEDMAN has published six novels, three volumes of stories, the
first biographies of Jackson Pollock and Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney,
and numerous art monographs. He has also written seven plays. His novel
Whispers was recommended by William Gass for a National Book
Award; The Polygamist was a New York Times “Notable
Book of the Year.” His stories have received the Nelson Algren Award
and a Fiction Award from the Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines.
RACHEL HADAS is Board of Governors Professor of English at the Newark
campus of Rutgers University. The most recent of her many books of poems
is The River of Forgetfulness (Wordtech, 2006); a collection
of essays, Classics, is due out in 2007.
SCOTT HIGHTOWER’s third book, Part of the Bargain, received
Copper Canyon Press’s 2004 Hayden Carruth Award. He is a contributing
editor to The Journal and Barrow Street. He lives and
works in New York City.
MARIA HUMMEL, a native Vermonter, is a Wallace Stegner Fellow in Poetry
at Stanford and the author of the novel Wilderness Run (St. Martin’s,
2002). Her poetry and stories have appeared recently in Pleiades,
The Greensboro Review, Crazyhorse, and Post Road.
LIZZIE HUTTON’s poetry has recently appeared in The Yale Review
and Gulf Coast, and her essay “The Example of Antonia White”
was published last year in New England Review. She currently
teaches at the University of Michigan and lives in Ann Arbor.
SUSAN HUTTON has poems forthcoming in Poetry, Field, and American
Literary Review. Her book On the Vanishing of Large Creatures
will be published in 2007 by Carnegie Mellon University Press.
BENJAMIN JACKSON recently graduated from the M.F.A. Program at Warren
Wilson College. These are his first published poems.
MICHAEL R. KATZ is the C.V. Starr Professor of Russian Studies at Middlebury
College. He has translated a series of novels from Russian into English,
including Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground and Devils,
Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons, Herzen’s Who Is
to Blame?, Chernyshevsky’s What Is to Be Done?, Artsybashev’s
Sanin, and, most recently, Vladimir Jabotinsky’s novel of Jewish
life in turn-of-the-century Odessa, The Five. He is currently
completing a translation of Vladimir Pecherin’s Notes from Beyond
the Tomb.
RICHARD KENNEY is the author of the collections The Evolution of the
Flightless Bird (Yale University Press, 1984), Orrery (Atheneum,
1985), and The Invention of the Zero (Knopf, 1993). He teaches
at the University of Washington and lives with his family on the Olympic
ALEX LEMON’s first collection of poems, Mosquito, will
be published by Tin House Books in September 2006. He is also the
author of the chapbook At Last Unfolding Congo (Burning Chair
Books). His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Tin House, Denver
Quarterly, Pleiades, Post Road, Gulf Coast, and Swink. Among
his awards are a 2005 Literature Fellowship in Poetry from the National
Endowment for the Arts and a 2006 Minnesota State Arts Board Grant. He
teaches at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota.
ELMO LUM lives in San Francisco. His stories have appeared in StoryQuarterly
and The Bitter Oleander, and he is currently completing work
on a novel.
F(ILIPPO) T(OMASSO) MARINETTI (1876–1944) was the founder and lifelong
promoter of the Futurist movement, beginning in 1909 with the First
Futurist Manifesto, in which he inveighed against the complacency
of “cultural necrophiliacs” and sought to annihilate the values
of the past. Up until his death in 1944, Marinetti strove to transform
society in all its aspects through both his polemical writings and his
political activities.
CAMPBELL MCGRATH’s most recent book is Pax Atomica (Ecco
Press, 2004). A MacArthur Fellow, he teaches at Florida International
University and lives in Miami Beach.
JOHN STUART MILL (1806–73) was one of the most important and influential
English thinkers of the nineteenth century. The oldest son of James Mill,
an historian and a founder of Utilitarianism, he began his intellectual
career at the age of three with studies in Greek, followed soon afterward
by studies in Latin; with his godfather, Jeremy Bentham, he established
the Westminster Review in 1823, when he was seventeen. Devoting
his attention to far-reaching social and political questions, he produced
a series of writings that remain significant points of departure for the
serious analysis of a range of contemporary issues: among these works
are Principles of Political Economy (1848), On Liberty
(1859), Considerations on Representative Government (1861), and
The Subjection of Women (1869). His revealing Autobiography
was not brought out until after his death in 1873.
CRAIG NELSON is the author of three previous books, including The
First Heroes: The Extraordinary Story of the Doolittle Raid (Viking,
2002) and Let’s Get Lost: Adventures in the Great Wide Open
(Warner Books, 1999). His writings have appeared on Salon.com
and in a host of other publications. He was an editor at HarperCollins,
Hyperion, and Random House for nearly twenty years.
PATRICK PHILLIPS’s first book, Chattahooche (Univeristy
of Arkansas Press, 2004), received the 2005 Kate Tufts Discovery Award,
as well as a “Discovery”/The Nation Award. His poems
have appeared in many magazines, including Poetry, Ploughshares,
and Virginia Quarterly Review. He recently completed a doctorate
in Renaissance Literature at New York University.
GLEN POURCIAU’s stories have been published or are forthcoming in
Cimarron Review, Mississippi Review, Confrontation, and Connecticut
Review. One of his stories won Ontario Review’s Cooper
Fiction Prize while another received the Texas Institute of Letters Short
Story Award.
HENRIETTE LAZARIDIS POWER is a graduate of Middlebury College with an
M.Phil. from Oxford and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Pennsylvania.
She taught English and writing for ten years at Harvard University, where
she was also an academic dean. Now a full-time writer, she is working
on a novel set in northern Greece. She has received a Massachusetts Cultural
Council Artist’s Grant for 2006. She lives in Massachusetts with
her husband and two children. “Chess Lessons” is her first
fiction publication.
CHRISTINA SAJ is a painter who lives and works in New Jersey. She holds
degrees from Sarah Lawrence and Bard College. In her youth, she mastered
the techniques of Byzantine Icon painting. Her spiritually inspired works
have been widely exhibited and can be found in public and private collections.
More of her work can be seen at www.christinasaj.com.
ALISON STINE is the author of the chapbook Lot of My Sister (Kent
State University Press, 2001). Her poems have appeared in Poetry
and The Paris Review, and are forthcoming in Tin House, Phoebe,
Meridian, The Journal, and Sou’wester. Currently a
Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford University, she is finishing a novel.
MARK SULLIVAN’s first collection of poetry, Slag (Texas
Tech University Press, 2005), won the Walt McDonald First Book Series
competition. His poems and reviews have appeared in The Nation, Shenandoah,
The Southern Review, and other publications. He lives in New York