Saturn The first stage: "On Saturn the human physical body was composed of heat." Steiner, Occult Science (148).
roueur French "wheels." Bely, in general, does not use French words, so I am unclear about his references here.
loueur French "renter."
newelung Cf note for section 53. The word newelung, like Nowelung, does not conform to any German word I could identify. He could have erred and meant "Nebelung." German "Nebel" is "fog." Bely will go on this section to connect it to German "Nibelung" the medieval tales.
Lunar lap To capture Bely's alliteration I have translated "lono" "bosom" as "lap."
li This root in Russian is found in the words "to pour" [lit'] Latin linire "to daub, anoint" Greek leibo "poor" and alinein "anoint, besmear." English "liniment." Bely references Aleksandr Potebnya, Thought and Language (76) who notes: "A designation, imitating an object not directly, but in some third way, something in common to the sound and the object. This means can be called symbolic, although the concept of the symbol in language is much broader. Here for the designation of an object are chosen sounds which partially in themselves, partially in comparison with others,produce for the ear an impression similar to that which the object itself produces on the spirit; thus the sounds of the words stehen, staetig, starr produce the impression of something firm (das Festen), the Sanskrit sound li, to melt, to overflow, -- of something liquid (der zerfliessenden)...
cling Russian [linut', l'nut']
lino Latin "I anoint"
lava Related to the Latin labes "to fall."
lavina The Russian word for avalanche is cognate with with German Lawine.
volna This and other words are related by Preobrazhensky to Indo-European *uel "to turn."
Nebel German fog, mist, haze, smoke. Related to Latin "nebula" and Russian [nebo].
Nebelung German "son of darkness."
Nibelung The great medieval German epic the Nibelungenlied (c.1200) is based on the tales of the Norse Poetic EDDA and the Volsunga Saga but is unified around heroic feats, royal revenge, and magical powers. SIEGFRIED, the hero who enters the territory of the Nibelung kings, takes all the symbols of power, including Queen Kriemhild, by prowess. Kriemhild and Brunhild of Iceland are played off against each other, and a series of complicated reprisals eventually leads to everyone's downfall. For his opera cycle, Der Ring des Nibelungen (first produced in 1876), Richard Wagner drew on several versions of the story and overlaid them with elements of Greek tragedy.
Wok German Wolken=clouds.
wisp of steam Russian [voloko para] The Russian [volok], not [voloko] is the basis of the expression for [volokovoe okno] the window in the peasant hut through which steam exits. The word is related to the space between rivers over which goods had to be carried.
val vara Etymology
volja will- Etymology
Mime=Mimer [L mimus, fr. Gk mimos ] Performances in which a story is told or a theme developed through expressive bodily or facial movement.
A[leksandr] Potebnya, Thought and Language. [Mysl' i yazyk]. I have consulted the third edition (Khar'kov, 1913). Bely had written about this work in his article on the "Magic of Words" in his collection Symbolism [Simvolizm, 1910].