Middlebury Men's Basketball

Season Statistics

Game-by-Game Statistics

Game Highs and Lows

Game Results

The following games are listed with the most recently played games first. Only games that have been completed are shown. The line score for each game is shown, followed by a list of reports that are available on-line.

Rochester 56, Middlebury College 43 (3/7/08 at Palestra, Rochester, NY NCAA)

  Middlebury College............ 20 23 -  43
  Rochester..................... 21 35 -  56
Box score

Trinity College 72, Middlebury College 63 (3/1/08 at Amherst, MA)

  Middlebury College............ 30 33 -  63
  Trinity College............... 39 33 -  72
Box score

Middlebury 96, Williams 59 (2/23/08 at Middlebury, Vt.)

  Williams...................... 39 20 -  59
  Middlebury.................... 42 54 -  96
Box score

Conn. College 93, Middlebury 86 (2/16/08 at Middlebury, Vt.)

  Conn. College................. 39 54 -  93
  Middlebury.................... 31 55 -  86
Box score

Middlebury 75, Wesleyan 71 (2/15/08 at Middlebury, Vt.)

  Wesleyan...................... 29 42 -  71
  Middlebury.................... 33 42 -  75
Box score

Middlebury College 92, Bates 71 (2/9/08 at Lewiston, Maine)

  Middlebury College............ 49 43 -  92
  Bates......................... 37 34 -  71
Box score

Middlebury 85, Tufts 76 (2/8/08 at Medford, MA)

  Middlebury.................... 39 46 -  85
  Tufts......................... 36 40 -  76
Box score

Plattsburgh St. 78, Middlebury 74 (2/5/08 at Middlebury, Vt.)

  Plattsburgh St................ 21 57 -  78
  Middlebury.................... 38 36 -  74
Box score

Middlebury 63, Williams 60 (2/2/08 at Williamstown, MA)

  Middlebury.................... 35 28 -  63
  Williams...................... 32 28 -  60
Box score

MIDMB 107, S. Vermont 79 (1/29/08 at Bennington, VT)

  MIDMB......................... 48 59 - 107
  S. Vermont.................... 40 39 -  79
Box score

Trinity 74, Middlebury 71 (1/26/08 at Middlebury, Vt.)

  Trinity....................... 38 36 -  74
  Middlebury.................... 32 39 -  71
Box score

Amherst 83, Middlebury 66 (1/25/08 at Middlebury, Vt.)

  Amherst....................... 40 43 -  83
  Middlebury.................... 30 36 -  66
Box score

Middlebury 69, Bowdoin 52 (1/19/08 at Brunswick, Maine)

  Middlebury.................... 31 38 -  69
  Bowdoin....................... 23 29 -  52
Box score

Middlebury 65, Colby 60 (1/18/08 at Waterville, Maine)

  Middlebury.................... 35 30 -  65
  Colby......................... 29 31 -  60
Box score

MIDMB 93, Johnson St. 76 (1/15/08 at Johnson, Vt. (Carter Gymnasium))

  MIDMB......................... 44 49 -  93
  Johnson St.................... 37 39 -  76
Box score

Middlebury 64, Colby-Sawyer 53 (1/8/08 at Middlebury, Vt.)

  Colby-Sawyer.................. 26 27 -  53
  Middlebury.................... 31 33 -  64
Box score

Middlebury College 71, Skidmore 52 (1/5/08 at Sports&Rec Center, Saratoga S)

  Middlebury College............ 31 40 -  71
  Skidmore...................... 25 27 -  52
Box score

Ursinus 80, Middlebury 71 (12/29/07 at Daytona Beach, Fla.)

  Ursinus....................... 38 42 -  80
  Middlebury.................... 37 34 -  71
Box score

Middlebury 63, McDaniel 54 (12/28/07 at Daytona Beach, Fla.)

  Middlebury.................... 22 41 -  63
  McDaniel...................... 26 28 -  54
Box score

Middlebury 73, Hamilton 62 (12/8/07 at Middlebury, Vt.)

  Hamilton...................... 25 37 -  62
  Middlebury.................... 34 39 -  73
Box score

Middlebury 84, Norwich 49 (12/5/07 at Middlebury, Vt.)

  Norwich....................... 18 31 -  49
  Middlebury.................... 38 46 -  84
Box score

Middlebury 92, Union 65 (12/1/07 at Middlebury, Vt.)

  Union......................... 31 34 -  65
  Middlebury.................... 47 45 -  92
Box score

Middlebury 63, Rensselaer 54 (11/29/07 at Robison Gym)

  Middlebury.................... 18 45 -  63
  Rensselaer.................... 23 31 -  54
Box score

Middlebury 91, Castleton St. 74 (11/27/07 at Middlebury, Vt.)

  Castleton St.................. 32 42 -  74
  Middlebury.................... 43 48 -  91
Box score

Middlebury 86, St. Lawrence 67 (11/20/07 at Middlebury, Vt.)

  St. Lawrence.................. 33 34 -  67
  Middlebury.................... 40 46 -  86
Box score

Stevens 73, Middlebury 63 (11/17/07 at Canavan Arena - Hoboken, NJ)

  Middlebury.................... 30 33 -  63
  Stevens....................... 25 48 -  73
Box score

Middlebury 113, Merchant Marine 67 (11/16/07 at Canavan Arena - Hoboken, NJ)

  Merchant Marine............... 18 49 -  67
  Middlebury.................... 53 60 - 113
Box score